Keynote Lecture and Symposium

Key Note Lecture
Dr. Mary Miller
Thursday, January 15
6:00 pm

The Body Within and Without: Rethinking Jaina Figurines
Figurines from the island of Jaina, long admired for their lifelike, poignant, and sometimes amusing characteristics, can be seen in new light based on widespread archaeology that has revealed figurine traditions from many Maya sites. Additionally, the practice of the mold-made and the hand-modeled makes it possible to see clever assembly and re-use of particular body parts, especially heads, which can take on different roles on different figures. One particular head—nicknamed here the Warrior Companion—appears on many figurines, and may have played a key role in funerary contexts.

Friday, January 16 & Friday, January 17



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The 2015 Maya Meetings Symposium and Key Note Speaker will be held at The Thompson Conference Center (TCC) . The Thompson Conference Center is located on the 2405 Robert Dedman Drive, Austin, TX 78712

Directions and parking information to The Thompson Conference Center