1a - Introduction to Maya Hieroglyphic Writing
Workshop Leaders: Danny Law and David Stuart
Tuesday January 9, 9am-5pm, and Wednesday January 10, 9am-12pm
This is a one-and-a half-day workshop open to all beginners in epigraphic studies and participants who would like a refresher course.
Regular Price: $95
Full-time Student: $60
UT Austin with current EID (UT Faculty, Staff, Student): $40
1b - Introduction to Nahuatl Hieroglyphic Writing
Workshop Leader: Marc Zender
Tuesday January 9, 9am-5pm, and Wednesday January 10, 9am-12pm
This is a one-and-a half-day workshop open to all beginners in epigraphic studies and participants who would like a refresher course.
Regular Price: $95
Full-time Student: $60
UT Austin with current EID (UT Faculty, Staff, Student): $40
2. Technology Workshop: 3D Imaging and Illustration
Workshop Leader: Alexandre Tokovinine
Wednesday January 10, 1:30pm-5pm
This is an afternoon workshop presenting an exploration of the latest developments in 3D rendering and digital imaging using examples from Maya monuments.
Regular Price: $30
Full-time Student: $25
UT Austin with current EID (UT Faculty, Staff, Student): $20
3a. Photogrammetry Training Workshop for Graduate Students and Field Researchers
Workshop Leader: Alexandre Tokovinine
Thursday January 11, 9am-5pm
This is one day hands-on workshop addressing the practical issues of doing photogrammetry and preliminary data-processing in the field. Participants should bring a digital camera (phone cameras are also acceptable), and a laptop (with Agisoft Photoscan software, for those who already have it). Participants will produce one model from photographs to 3D rendering. Note: very limited space: will sell out very fast!
Regular Price: $95
Full-time Student: $50
UT Austin with current EID (UT Faculty, Staff, Student): $35
3b. Advanced Maya Writing: Text and Archaeology of the Komkom Vase, Belize
Workshop Leaders: Christopher Helmke, and Julie Hoggarth
Thursday January 11, 9am-5pm
This is one day workshop dedicated to the archaeology and epigraphy of a Terminal Classic Maya vase recently discovered during excavation at the site Baking Pot, and representing the longest currently know text from Belize. Some familiarity with Maya glyphs is recommended but not required.
Regular Price: $75
Full-time Student: $50
UT Austin with current EID (UT Faculty, Staff, Student): $35
Important information for all Workshops:
The 2018 Mesoamerica Meetings workshops will be held at The Thompson Conference Center (TCC) . The Thompson Conference Center is located on the 2405 Robert Dedman Drive, Austin, TX 78712.
Workshops run from 9 am to 5 pm with a morning coffee break, lunch break, and afternoon coffee break. The registration room (to pick up badges and conference materials) opens at 8 am in the Thompson Conference Center, Room 3.108.
Directions and parking information to The Thompson Conference Center

Event Links
- Registration
- T-Shirts: Pre-order yours by December 20!
- Workshop Information: January 9-11, 2018
- Symposium Information January 11-13, 2018
- Symposium Program: Speakers and Talks
- The Codex Borgia Exhibit Opening!
- About Austin
- Accommodations
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Paper Submissions
- Our Sponsors: Ruta Maya Coffee
- Return to The 2018 Mesoamerica Meetings Home Page
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