Below is the complete list of speakers and talks of the Symposium: Dress Codes. To see the full Symposium schedule, including abstracts and speaker biographies, download a PDF of the program:
For workshops see the separate tab for Workshop Information, Jan 15-17.
Thursday evening January 17th: Keynote Presentation
Alejandro de Ávila, Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca
The roots of Attire and Regalia: Fibers, Dyestuffs and Weaving Techniques in Mesoamerica

Friday January 18th: Symposium talks
David Stuart, University of Texas at Austin
Opening Remarks
Marc Zender, Tulane University
Logographic Depictions of Mesoamerican Clothing
Justyna Olko, University of Warsaw
Beyond Physicality: Dress, Agency, and Social Becoming in the Nahua World
Caitlin Earley, University of Nevada, Reno
Fit to be Tied: The Agency of Contested Bodies in Ancient Maya Art
Martin Diedrich, Independent Scholar
Late Classic Maya Period Ending Costumes in Western Petén, Guatemala
Lois Martin, Fordham University
The Ecological Logic of Aztec Royal Attire: Dressing to Express Dominion
Geoffrey G. McCafferty and Sharisse D. McCafferty, University of Calgary
Costume and the Case of Mixtecan Identity
Maxime Lamoureux-St-Hilaire, Boundary End Center
Regalia and Political Communication among the Classic Maya
Laura Filloy Nadal, Escuela Nacional de Conservación, and Museo Nacional de Antropología,
Mexico City
To Shine Brightly in Mesoamerica
Franco Rossi, University of Illinois at Chicago
All About Xanab: Understanding Ancient Maya Footwear
Question and Answer Session
Friday evening January 18th: public event
Open to all attendees of The Mesoamerica Meetings and interested general public.

Saturday January 19th: Symposium Talks
Nicholas Carter, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
Ancient Maya Ear, Nose, and Lip Decorations in Art and Archaeology
Billie Follensbee, Missouri State University
Gulf Coast Olmec Costume in the Maya San Bartolo Murals
Sylvie Peperstraete, Université Libre de Bruxelles, and École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris
"Men turned into the image of the devil himself!" (Fray Diego Durán): Aztec Priests' Attire and Attributes
Cara Tremain, Langara College
Ancient Maya Courtly Dress
Dicey Taylor, Independent Scholar
Classic Maya Dress: Wrapping Body, Language, and Culture
Jesper Nielsen and Christophe Helmke, University of Copenhagen
Of Solar Rays and Eagle Feathers: New Understandings of Headdresses in Teotihuacan
Ángel González, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, and Bertrand Lobjois, Universidad de Monterrey
The Human Part of the Animal: Reflections on Hybrid and Anthropomorphic Images of the Feathered Serpent
Karl Taube, University of California, Riverside
Preciousness Embodied: The Symbolism of Jade and Quetzal Plumes in Royal Maya Performance
Joanne Pillsbury, The Metropolitan Musem of Art
Celestial Bodies: Materials and Divine Power in the Ancient Americas
Question and Answer Session
Concluding Remarks
Saturday evening January 19th: Closing Reception

Event Links
- Registration Instructions
- Information for the Workshops January 15-17
- Information for the Symposium January 18-19
- Symposium Program: Speakers and Talks
- Special event! Wednesday January 16 at the Blanton Museum of Art
- Friday evening special event - The Forms: Four Worlds
- Conference T-shirts
- About Austin
- Suggested Accommodations
- Directions and Parking Information
- Notice about traffic Sunday AM January 20
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Call for Papers now Closed!
- Return to The 2019 Mesoamerica Meetings Home Page
- Mesoamerica Meetings Main Page