We're excited to offer a great selection of merchandise items for The 2020 Mesoamerica Meetings! All conference merchandise is available for pre-order at our registration site. Most of these merchandise items will also be available for purchase during the conference; however, sales are limited to what we still have available in stock following the pre-order period. In addition, during the conference we can only accept cash and check payments for any items purchased.
To ensure that you get the item(s) you want, we encourage you to pre-order your conference merchandise when completing your online registration. Merchandise items can be found under "Optional Items" at the registration site. All items are available for pre-order (please see below for specific dates for when pre-orders close for each item). This will also be the only opportunity to use a debit/credit card to purchase merchandise.
Below is a preview of what items we have available!
The 2020 Mesoamerica Meetings Merchandise Items

Conference T-Shirt
Celebrate The 2020 Mesoamerica Meetings with a 100% cotton T-shirt featuring a David Stuart original line drawing! This year, we will be offering two colors!! Have your pick between red (with yellow detail) and black (with white detail). Final colors may vary slightly from the image shown. Available in S, M, L, and XL.
To ensure you get your preferred size and color, you can pre-order a conference t-shirt as one of the options at our registration site. Pre-orders close December 18th. After that date, t-shirt color availability and size cannot be guaranteed.

This is a NEW item for the 2020 Meetings, with the four directions in Maya glyphs! Bandanna is black cotton with white design. Size is 22" x 22". Pre-orders close on December 18th.

2020 Mesoamerica Center Calendar
Start off the new year with a 2020 Mesoamerica Center Calendar featuring images and photographs of Mesoamerican sites and artwork related to The 2020 Mesoamerica Meetings theme of the Center and the Four Corners. Pre-orders close on January 5th.

Tote Bag
Carry your books or groceries in this sturdy cotton tote bag with artwork related to The 2020 Mesoamerica Meetings theme of The Center at the Four Corners! Pre-orders close on December 18th.

Mesoamerica Center Note Cards
These sets of colorful note cards feature 12 different textile designs from the Art and Art History Collection at UT Austin. Get your set today! Pre-orders close on January 5th.
Event Links
- Conference Registration - now closed
- Workshops (January 14-16)
- Keynote Speaker Presentation (January 16)
- Symposium (January 16-18)
- Symposium Program: Speakers and Talks
- Conference Merchandise
- Directions and Parking
- About Austin
- Suggested Accommodations
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Our Sponsors: Ruta Maya Coffee
- Call for papers now closed!
- Return to 2020 Mesoamerica Meetings Home Page
- Mesoamerica Meetings Main Page